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Bringing Love to the Pot Luck Dinner of Life


A series of 4 x 90min webinars with Mavis Karn & Christian McNeill


Thursdays  @ 10am CET/4pm UK 2 - 23 March 23


Cost: £137 [Early Bird £125 until 14.2.23]


In our next short series of webinars, we hope to answer some of these questions as well as any others that participants may bring:

• What does that title even mean?
• Sharing by Being the Change
• Why You Can’t Transmit What You Haven’t Got
• The Importance of Fitting Your Own Oxygen Mask First
• Do You Have Permission to Share?
• How this Understanding Enables Us to Cope With Difficult People
• The Power of the Vibe of Love

If any of this speaks you please do join us for what promises to be a profound and touching experience.

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Mavis Karn is a veteran teacher, counselor and mentor, who has worked with people from every walk of life for over 40 years. She is a powerful guide who invariably touches her clients deeply. She has recently published  ‘It's That Simple: A User's Manual for Human Beings.’ 



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Christian McNeill is a 3 Principles practitioner based in Scotland and is

the co-author of Addiction: One Cause, One Solution.

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